"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take."

12:52 PM

Hey everybody, another quote that I really like is...

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take." ~Unknown

I like this quote a lot because of how true it is. I'm sure everyone could think of a time they regret not doing something because you "chickened out". I know that my mom always tries to get me to try new things, and to not worry about what others think, and I'm guessing a lot of you guys could relate. That is part of what this quote is trying to say. It's trying to make you try new things, because otherwise you will regret it one day when you start thinking about it. A lot of times we worry too much about what other people think about us, which is one of the things that holds us back from doing some things. So, just remember to take chances, and live your life to the fullest!
Thanks for reading,
Kia Ahrens

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